If you have an urgent but not life-threatening medical need, make sure you visit NHS 111 online first rather than going straight to A&E. NHS 111 online will help you right away and, if needed, a healthcare professional will call you.
NHS 111 online can direct you to an urgent treatment centre/walk in centre, emergency dental services, GP, pharmacy, or another more appropriate local service.
If you or your loved one has a life-threatening illness or injury, then you should always dial 999.
Please contact reception for further details and a registration form on how to access online services. Once you have registered you can access the online booking facility through the link patient accurx triage or telephone patient partner 01902 229788.
We offer 10 minute appointments or longer depending on clinical assessment and have a triage system, for medical emergencies.
Please note; If you are more than 10 minutes late for your appointment, you may be asked to wait or offered another appointment.
We can arrange interpretation and translation services for patients who do not speak English. Please let us know when booking an appointment if you need this service.