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Accurx Patient Triage

Dear Patient/ Service user

We are using form-based triage known as digital triage to try and cope with increased demand for appointments and reduce waiting time to get through the telephone lines.

We are using an online consultation system to gather information and support the triage of patients. This is to decide on what the most appropriate mode of care delivery is for that patient and to enable care to be provided by the right professional with the right level of urgency. 

Appointments will be face to face, via telephone or online as advised depending on the best approach for you. 

If your call is not urgent and you have access to the internet, please use the online services visit our practice website www.mgsmedicalpractice.nhs.uk for further information and complete the accurx patient triage online form giving a short explanation of why you need an appointment or what your query is about.

Non-digital users may be supported by carers or taken through the same online form by our reception team or by calling our patient partner telephone number 01902 229788 and let us know if you need assistance with your appointment for example any reasonable adjustments and or booking translation services ahead of your appointment. 

MGS Medical Practice is a zero tolerance practice, please respect members of the team as they will need to ask certain questions so you are directed to the right professional or service. 

We would like to thank you for your ongoing support and patience and let us know as soon as possible if you are unable to attend a booked appointment and keep us updated with any changes to your contact details especially if you have opted out of the online services.

Preferences can be updated by completing the accurx form to register online.