Carers Services
Wolverhampton Carer Support Team
The Carer Support Team offers a range of support for carers of adults living in Wolverhampton.
A Carer is anyone who provides support for a relative, friend or neighbour without payment. The person that you look after may have a mental health need, learning disability, physical and sensory disability or may be an older, vulnerable person.
The Carer Support Team can support you in your caring role by offering the following:
- Practical information, advice and guidance
- Carer's Assessment
- Benefits advice
- Signposting
- Emotional support
- Carers Emergency Card
- Carer Training
- Carers Cafe at the Lighthouse, Evie's Kitchen, Big Venture Centre
- Information about Breaks for Carers
- Short Break caravans

Where Can I Find Out More About Carer Support?
Carer Support Team
Wolverhampton Central Library
Snow Hill
City Centre
Telephone: 01902 553409
A duty officer is available at Central Library on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10:00am to 12:00pm and on Tuesday and Thursday from 2:00pm to 4:30pm.
Follow us on social media @WolvesCarers
Carer Support in Wolverhampton - Information for Informal Carers (PDF, 746Kb)
Carers Emergency Card - Your Guide and Application Form (PDF, 878Kb)
NHS Resources
Useful Links
There is a wealth of information on the NHS website about carers and caring. Below are some links into the site that we hope you will find useful.
- A guide to care and support
Information for carers and people who have care & support needs.
- Caring for someone
Advice on providing care, medicines etc.
- Care after hospital
Providing care for people who have been recently discharged from hospital.
- Taking a break
Caring for someone can be a full-time job - find out about accessing breaks and respite care.
- Support and benefits for carers
Caring for someone can be a full-time job - find out about accessing breaks and respite care.
Guidance, support and help with employment issues.
Advice for carers 18 or under and their entitlement to support
Finance & Law
Help claiming benefits, looking after your bank balance and understanding the legal issues of caring.
- Benefits for carers
Directing carers to the benefits that can help them in their caring role
- Benefits for the under-65s
Advice and information on helping the person you look after get the benefits that they are entitled to.
Benefits for the over-65sAdvice and information on financial support for older people with a disability or illness.
- Carer's Assement
How your benefits maybe affected after the death of the person you look after and what happens to their benefits
- Other benefits
Advice for carers and the people they are looking after on claiming a whole host of other benefits unrelated to their disability or caring
Carers UK
Here to make life better for carers
20 Great Dover Street
London SE1 4LQ
t: 020 7378 4999
w: www.carersuk