Wolverhampton Social Prescribing Service
The Social Prescribing service provides a non-medical approach to supporting adults in Wolverhampton to improve their health and wellbeing.
Our aim is to link people with activities and support in their local communities which might help them to feel better and more connected.
You can be referred into the service by your GP or another professional who knows you.

We have fourteen Link Workers (12 working with adults aged 18 plus, and two working with young people aged 13-17years) covering the whole of the City of Wolverhampton. Their role is to spend time finding out what’s important to you and then linking you with organisations and activities that might be helpful for you.
These could include:
- Social activities or groups
- Learning a new skill or finding a new hobby
- Help to cope with long-term conditions by getting involved with community activities
- Finding advice with practical problems such as housing, benefits or finances
- Exploring volunteering or employment options
- Linking with support services such as befriending
- Trying out activities that make you feel healthier such as walking or swimming
The service is based at the Wolverhampton Voluntary Sector Council and we can arrange to meet you at our city centre office, in your own home or somewhere else that you feel comfortable.
For further information please contact the Social Prescribing Team. You can also follow us on the Wolverhampton Social Prescribing Twitter page.
Who to contact
Contact Name - Social Prescribing Team
Telephone - 01902 328987
E-mail - SPInfo@wolverhamptonvsc.org.uk
Website - Wolverhampton Voluntary Sector Council
Where to go
Name - Wolverhampton Voluntary Sector Council
16 Temple Street, Wolverhampton, West Midlands WV2 4AN
Time / Date Details
When is it on? - The service operates across Wolverhampton from 9am - 5pm - Monday - Friday.
Session Information - For general enquiries contact 01902 328987
Other Details
Age Ranges
Over 18's ONLY
Referral required
Referral Details
You need to be referred by your GP or other health/social care professional.
The project will work with people:
- Who are lonely or isolated and WANT TO CONNECT
- Who are living with long-term conditions and could benefit from community activities
- Who experience MILD forms of anxiety and/or depression and would like to get involved with community activities
- Who frequently attend NHS services for non-medical reasons
- Who have practical non-medical needs eg finance /debt, housing and WANT help with these
- The service is unable to support:
- People under the age of 13
- People who are not registered with a Wolverhampton GP surgery